

Indonesia has the Indonesian Rupiah (RP or IDR) which you can obtain from ATMs in Yogyakarta. 1 Euro or 1 US Dollar are equal to 15,000 IDR.


The weather in Yogyakarta tends to be dry and warm from April to October and more wet and rainy from November to March.


The official language of Indonesia is Bahasa Indonesia (sometimes referred to as just Bahasa). There are also a variety of regional languages, such as Javanese.

Quick Facts

Yogyakarta is a mid-sized city located in Central Java, Indonesia. It has a population of just over 400,000 people and experiences more local tourism than international visitors. It’s most well known for being the main access point to the famous Borobudur Temple, which lies just a short drive outside of the city.

Yogyakarta is a city full of arts and culture. With numerous attractions and day-trip opportunities, this is a fantastic place to spend a few days or even a week. Plan your itinerary here.

Things To Do


When to go

Yogyakarta is located in Java which means it experiences a wet and dry season. The dry season in Indonesia is usually warm and sunny with a very small chance of rain. This is when the majority of tourists visit Yogyakarta so places like Borobudur will be crowded. However, you’ll have a high chance of enjoying sunny weather and won’t have to worry about storms in the area. The dry season generally goes from April to October, while the wet season takes place between November and March. During this time, the sky is frequently overcast, and it rains regularly. Prices in Yogyakarta will be slightly cheaper, and you’ll encounter fewer other tourists.

Where to stay

Yogyakarta has a distinct tourist area where you should stay while visiting the city. The majority of attractions and hotels are gathered around Malioboro Street, which is the central point for nightlife, shops and street food. You should pick a place to stay somewhere close by for the best possible experience. As Yogyakarta actually only has a handful of bars or restaurants that serve alcohol, the nightlife scene looks a bit different here. Malioboro Street will fill with visitors and tourists in the evening as street food stalls pop up and street performers appear. This can go on until well past midnight, so if you enjoy a lively experience, make sure to stay close by. You’ll have everything within walking distance, which is a fantastic way to get to know the city. Anything a bit further from Malioboro Street is still a good choice as long as the distance is walkable. Staying too far away would not be recommended since it will take you too much time and effort to reach places of interest.

How to get around

Yogyakarta’s attractions are all located very close to each other, so you can actually walk to most places. There are also public buses that are very affordable and convenient, although it takes some time to master the system. Around Malioboro Street, you’ll find a ton of tuk-tuks which are a fun way to see Yogyakarta and you should use this mode of transportation at least once. The most convenient way to get around town is by far Grab or Gojek which are local ride-sharing services that will make your trip a lot easier. For longer distances, such as a trip to Borobudur you should hire a driver.

How long you should stay in Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta has a lot to offer, and you can easily spend three full days in the city without getting bored. Then you should add at least two for day trips which leaves you with five days in total.

Top things to do


Goa Pindul

Malioboro Street

Fort Vredebrug

Taman Sari

Royal Palace

Alun Alun Square

Mount Merapi

Bukit Rhema

Greweng Beach

Hi, I'm Victoria

Welcome to Guide your Travel – a blog about South East Asia and how to travel on a budget.

I’m a blogger, writer and photographer and love to introduce my favourite destinations to others and encourage them to see the world.

I’m originally from Germany but spent four years living in the UK, quite a bit of time in Spain and Malaysia, and am now travelling full time with a home base in Bali, Indonesia.


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