230 Best Grand Canyon Instagram Captions & Quotes

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It’s hard to describe the beauty of the Grand Canyon in words, but these breathtaking Instagram captions, quotes, and funny puns come pretty close.

Find the ultimate inspiration for your trip to the Grand Canyon and come up with fun Instagram captions with the help of our quotes.

Your trip to Arizona just got more exciting, and you’ll get to share it on social media with all your friends and followers.

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Grand Canyon captions for Instagram

Find the perfect Instagram captions for your trip to the Grand Canyon with these ideas and quotes.

1. The world is quiet here

2. I will never get over this view

3. Happiest right here

4. Living that Grand Canyon life

5. Just living life on the edge

6. Lost in the beauty of the Grand Canyon

7. The air at the Grand Canyon just feels different

8. My wanderlust took me right here

9. Add the Grand Canyon to your bucket list. I promise you won’t regret it

10. You cannot see the Grand Canyon in one view. It’s impossible

A sunset view of the Bryce Canyon National Park

11. Earth’s Mighty Crack

12. Colors from the heavens

13. The Grand Canyon: the Mountain of Youth

14. Take only memories, leave only footprints

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15. They said the view would be worth it. They were right

16. The grandest of canyons

17. Seeing the Grand Canyon for yourself? Priceless.

18. Finding tranquility in the heart of the canyon

19. Go where you feel most alive

20. Follow me to the Grand Canyon

Vertical aerial view of the Grand Canyon monuments with a quote for instagram captions

21. Update: The Grand Canyon made me like hiking

22. What’s life but one grand adventure?

23. Inspired by the Grand Canyon.

24. I’m racking my brains for the last time I saw something this beautiful

25. The Grand Canyon is my happy place

26. The Grand Canyon is calling, and I must go

27. Mother Nature showing her true power at the Grand Canyon

28. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

29. No picture can do the Grand Canyon justice

30. Greetings from the wonderful Grand Canyon, Arizona

Roadway going toward a mesa among dramatic desert landscape at the Grand Canyon in Arizona

31. Just another day in paradise

32. In need of an altitude adjustment

33. Everything the light touches…

34. Always take the scenic route through the Grand Canyon

35. The glories and beauties of form, color, and sound united in the Grand Canyon.

The Best Way To Experience the US

Group tours are an incredibly underrated way to travel and you’ll get to experience the US with new friends without any of the stress of planning. Check out my all-time favourite below.

36. Soaking in the promise of the Grand Canyon

37. Diamond in the bluff

38. A day spent exploring the Grand Canyon is the best kind of therapy.

39. I think I’ll just park myself near this rock and call it a day

40. I can’t help feeling sentimental looking at these views.

hiking the Grand Canyon with a man wearing an orange jacket from the back

41. Feeling the call of the wild at the Grand Canyon

42. Ain’t no caption grand enough to capture this view

43. Wake up, it’s adventure time

44. Freedom lies in being bold.

45. Look, Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom

46. If you are working, almost like with layers of the Grand Canyon, there’s history within those layers.

47. Majestic views from the Grand Canyon’s edge

48. If I had a penny for every time I gasped at this view, I’d be rich.

49. Not leaving anything behind at the Grand Canyon but my heart

50. We must take adventures in order to know where we truly belong

51. Climbing my way to bigger and better things

view of Grand Canyon National Park with a quote for instagram captions

52. Long live the planet and the magic it makes

53. I’d rather be here.

54. Already booking my next trip to Grand Canyon.

55. How is Grand Canyon already feeling like home?

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56. Still in Grand Canyon, never leaving.

57. Grand Canyon has become my whole personality.

58. Grand Canyon is better than anywhere else in the world, fight me.

59. Needed a little Grand Canyon.

60. In my Grand Canyon outfit.

61. Happiness check in Grand Canyon.

62. Professional Grand Canyon explorer.

63. Not mad at you Grand Canyon.

Grand Canyon quotes for Instagram

Make your Instagram captions stand out with these quotes about the Grand Canyon.

54. “It’s not at all naturally human to see something like the Grand Canyon as beautiful.” David Roberts

65. “The Grand Canyon is carven deep by the master hand; it is the gulf of silence, widened in the desert; it is all time inscribing the rock; it is the book of earth.” Donald C. Peattie

66. “Beautiful doesn’t begin to describe it. A flower is beautiful. But this is beautiful the way that a person is beautiful.” Jeri Smith

67. “Mortals: meet the empty air, arias carved out of rocks beyond our puny clock philosophy.” Thea Gavin

68. “I would rather stumble by chance on a tiny stream in the woods than plan a trip to the Grand Canyon.” Marty Rubin

69. “I could throw 56-pound words clear across the Grand Canyon. As a matter of course, I went into politics.” Henry F. Ashurst

70. “There will never be a photograph of the Grand Canyon that can adequately describe its depth, breadth, and true beauty.” Stefanie Payne

71. “Crying – acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon.” Ron Swanson

view of the Grand Canyon at sunset with an orange sky

72. “A Year In The National Parks: The Greatest American Road Trip” Stefanie Payne

73. “It’s always been a luxury to be able to hop a plane to Paris, to Venice, to the Grand Canyon.” Nancy Gibbs

74. “Leave it as it is. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it.” Theodore Roosevelt

75. “The glories and the beauties of form, color, and sound unite in the Grand Canyon.” John Wesley Powell

76. “It is a spectacular illusion – a deeply three-dimensional scene flattened onto an earthly canvas.” Stefanie Payne

77. “The wonders of the Grand Canyon cannot be adequately represented in symbols of speech, nor by speech itself.” John Wesley Powell

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78. “And the rapids: down the glassy-smooth tongue into a yawing trench, climb a ten-foot wall of standing water and fall into boiling, ferocious hydraulics…” Barry López

79. “When your spirit cries for peace, come to a world of canyons deep in the old land” August Fruge

view of the grand canyon with a blue sky and a tree which is perfect for instagram captions and quotes

80. “Publishing a book of poetry is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo.” Don Marquis

81. “I believe in evolution. But I also believe, when I hike the Grand Canyon and see it at sunset, that the hand of God is there also.” John McCain

82. “In the Grand Canyon, Arizona has a natural wonder which is in kind absolutely unparalleled throughout the rest of the world.” — Theodore Roosevelt

83. “I believe in science and evolution. I’ve been to the Grand Canyon” – Bill Walton

Grand Canyon puns and jokes

Keep your Insta captions light-hearted with our favorite Grand Canyon puns and jokes. Don’t forget to check out these puns about the US and travel jokes.

84. Americans take the Grand Canyon for granite.

85. Keep following that terrain of thought, you’re getting somewhere!

86. I visited the Grand Canyon, but it was just gorge-ous!

87. You’re one in Ver-milion.

88. Never take Mother Nature for granite.

89. This view is ‘canyon-tastic’!

90. I tried to come up with a Grand Canyon pun, but I couldn’t find any that were deep enough.

view of the grand canyon with snow and trees

91. What do you call a funny movie about the Grand Canyon? A gorge-buster!

92. In a Grand Canyon state of mind.

93. Have you camped in the Grand Canyon? It’s in-tents.

94. Simply gorge-ous

The Best Way To Experience the US

Group tours are an incredibly underrated way to travel and you’ll get to experience the US with new friends without any of the stress of planning. Check out my all-time favourite below.

95. If you’re feeling bad, you better change your altitude

96. We’re having a Grand old time!

97. I’ve seen a view things in my life, but nothing like this

98. I canyon-ly imagine.

99. Canyon feel the love tonight?

view of the grand canyon from the piers with a golden hour

100. Desert first!

101. Yes, we canyon.

102. There’s a lot I could say about the Grand Canyon, but it all feels too deep

103. Hiking is all the range

104. Plateaus are the highest form of flattery

105. Flying over the Grand Canyon is a heli lot of fun!

106. These views are beautiful as far as the eye canyon see.

107. This place is ‘canyon-mazing’!

108. Arizona? More like Arid-zona!

109. Leaving the Grand Canyon has me feeling vista-ful

110. The Grand Canyon: it’ll knock your rocks off.

view of the Grand Canyon with a quote for instagram captions

111. You should see our Grand Canyon trip on finsta.

112. Yes mum I’m still in Grand Canyon, no I’m not coming back any time soon.

113. Did I lose my passport in Grand Canyon? Yes. Was it worth it? Also yes.

114. Mentally very much still in Grand Canyon.

115. If you need me I’ll be in Grand Canyon ignoring my responsibilities.

116. Bringing chaos to Grand Canyon.

The Best Way To Experience the US

Group tours are an incredibly underrated way to travel and you’ll get to experience the US with new friends without any of the stress of planning. Check out my all-time favourite below.

117. I’ve been living life so hard my IG is still in Grand Canyon.

118. Formal announcement: I’m never leaving Grand Canyon.

119. Grand Canyon, uncut version.

120. Bad girls go to Grand Canyon.

Funny Grand Canyon quotes

A lot of people have something to say about the Grand Canyon, and here are some of the funniest quotes we could find. You’ll also love these jokes about Americans while you’re at it.

121. “Don’t tell me too much about the Grand Canyon — I just want the cliff notes.” — Unknown

122. “When visiting the Grand Canyon, make sure you hike into the canyon. And be careful not to fall or step in mule poop.” McKenna Shay

123. “I can still remember my first experience of standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon and looking into it. It was so awesome, it took a fair amount of restraint to prevent me from jumping into it because I was certain I could fly.” Mark Goulston

124. “Myths that need clarification: ‘No matter how many times you see the Grand Canyon, you are still emotionally moved to tears.’ False. It depends on how many children the out-of-towners brought with them who kicked the back of your seat from Phoenix to Flagstaff and got their gum caught in your hair.” Erma Bombeck

125. “I believe in a benevolent God not because He created the Grand Canyon or Michelangelo, but because He gave us snacks.” Paul Rudnick

126. “Well, once you’ve been in the Canyon and once you’ve sort of fallen in love with it, it never ends…it’s always been a fascinating place to me, in fact, I’ve often said that if I ever had a mistress, it would be the Grand Canyon.” Barry Goldwater

127. “I was so impressed with the Grand Canyon. It was much deeper than I thought. You don’t even know how deep it is until you’re there. I’ve been some places, but I don’t know of any place deeper than the Grand Canyon.” Red Buttons

128. “There’s a lot I could say about the Grand Canyon, but it all feels too deep“ — Unknown

129. “Ever since I got back from the Grand Canyon, all I’m serving is dry humor” — Unknown

130. “With what you don’t know about me, I could just about fill the Grand Canyon.” Kevin Smith

131. “If you’re ever thinking ‘Oh, but I’m a waste of space, I’m a burden,’ remember, that also describes the Grand Canyon.” Maria Bamford

132. “The Grand Canyon is a gigantic museum of geology. You can’t cover it with paint and make it pretty.” John Wesley Powell

133. “I’ve been South Rim ever since I left the Grand Canyon.” — Unknown

view of the Grand Canyon with blue sky

134. “Where’s all the faces of the presidents?” Andy Dwyer, Parks & Recreation

Grand Canyon sayings

Get inspiration for your Instagram captions with these sayings about the Grand Canyon. Need even more Arizona inspiration? You’ll love these quotes and captions.

135. “It doesn’t have to be the Grand Canyon, it could be a city street, it could be the face of another human being – Everything is full of wonder.” A.C. Grayling

136. “Anybody who travels knows that you’re not really doing so in order to move around – you’re traveling in order to be moved. And really what you’re seeing is not just the Grand Canyon or the Great Wall but some moods or intimations or places inside yourself that you never ordinarily see when you’re sleepwalking through your daily life.” Pico Iyer

137. “I had come to the canyon with expectations. I wanted to see snowy egrets flying against the black schist at dusk; I saw blue-winged teal against the green waters at dawn. I had wanted to hear thunder rolling in the thousand-foot depths; I heard the guttural caw of four ravens…what any of us had come to see or do fell away. We found ourselves at each turn with what we had not imagined.” Barry López

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138. “The Grand Canyon, which yawns between the writer’s concept of what he wants to capture in words and what comes through is a cruel abyss.” Fannie Hurst

139. “A mile deep and 18 miles wide: the Grand Canyon, like all natural phenomena, is bigger than you, and we are diminished in its presence.” – David Quammen

140. “Climbing K2 or floating the Grand Canyon in an inner tube; there are some things one would rather have done than do.” Edward Abbey

Panoramic view of Grand Canyon National Park

141. “Truly, Arizona is a wonderland, and in the Grand Canyon, one can think of nothing but the Abomination of Desolation.” John G. Bourke

142. “I’m really looking forward to taking a break. I’ve been working pretty consistently for a while. She wants to take an RV trip. It doesn’t sound quite right, does it? She wants to go to the Grand Canyon. She wants to have a very typical family vacation.” Michelle Williams

143. “I went to the Grand Canyon with my family when I was about 8 years old, and I had a very blah experience. I think the scale of it is too huge – you don’t appreciate it.” David Roberts

144. “The Grand Canyon is carven deep by the master hand; it is the gulf of silence, widened in the desert; it is all time inscribing the naked rock; it is the book of earth.” Donald Culross Peattie

Cute Grand Canyon captions for Instagram

Here are the best cute Instagram captions about the Grand Canyon.

145. National parks exist, and our planet is better for it

146. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer

147. Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt

148. Who needs a gym membership when you can hike the Grand Canyon?

149. Once in a while, give up your WiFi and grab your backpack

150. I think I found my new happy place…as long as I don’t look down!

Picturesque landscapes of the Grand Canyon with a quote for instagram captions

151. I didn’t choose the canyon life, the canyon life chose me

152. The Grand Canyon stole my heart…and my breath

153. The Grand Canyon is like the ultimate workout but with a view

155. The Grand Canyon is like nature’s art installation, and I’m living for it

156. My legs may be sore, but my soul is soaring after visiting the Grand Canyon

157. My sneakers aren’t white anymore, but the scuffs were so worth the views

158. If you’re ever feeling small and insignificant, just stand next to the Grand Canyon for a reality check

159. Adventures are grand, just like the Canyon

160. My legs are sore, my hair’s a mess, but at least I got this epic canyon selfie

view of the Grand Canyon with a sunset and a yellow and orange sky

161. Canyon kisses and desert wishes

162. Grand Canyon, grand memories

163. I came, I saw, and I conquered the Grand Canyon. Or at least, I tried to

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Short Grand Canyon captions

No need to overcomplicate things with these short captions about the Grand Canyon. These captions are even shorter.

164. Nature’s masterpiece

165. Grand adventures await

166. I want a little bit of the Grand Canyon

167. Living on the edge

168. Moments like these make life grand

169. Forever in awe

170. A natural wonderland

Aerial view of the Grand Canyon with a view of the Colorado River and the sky

171. Can’t get a view like this in a hotel

172. Chasing horizons at the Grand Canyon

173. Taking the long way home

174. Canyon dreams

175. Canyon cravings satisfied

176. Are we at the Grand Canyon yet?

177. Standing on the edge of beauty

178. Grateful for this grand adventure

179. Gateway to wonder

180. Nothing but blue skies and canyons

view of the grand canyon with a grey sky with an inspirational quote about Grand Canyon for instagram captions

181. Life is grand at the Grand Canyon

182. Brb, gone to Grand Canyon.

183. It’s Grand Canyon, baby.

184. Grand Canyon photodump.

185. Grand Canyon is all you need.

The Best Way To Experience the US

Group tours are an incredibly underrated way to travel and you’ll get to experience the US with new friends without any of the stress of planning. Check out my all-time favourite below.

186. Grand Canyon diaries.

187. Annual Grand Canyon trip.

188. Obligatory Grand Canyon photodump.

189. Love u Grand Canyon.

190. Grand Canyon couldn’t have been better.

191. Grand Canyon was 10/10.

Breathtaking Grand Canyon captions

The beauty of the Grand Canyon is hard to describe, but these breathtaking Instagram captions and quotes will try.

192. The Grand Canyon is a testament to the power and majesty of Mother Nature.

193. The grandeur of the Grand Canyon is simply awe-inspiring.

194. The vastness of the Grand Canyon is an incredible sight to behold.

195. The sheer magnitude of the Grand Canyon is a sight to behold.

196. The beauty of the Grand Canyon is something that can only be truly appreciated in person.

197. The colors of the Grand Canyon are a sight that will never be forgotten.

198. Witnessing the beauty of the Grand Canyon is a moment that will take your breath away.

199. Exploring the depths of the Grand Canyon is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

200. The Grand Canyon is a masterpiece of nature that will leave you in awe.

view of the Grand Canyon with a view of the Colorado River and the sky with an inspirational quote about Grand Canyon for instagram captions

201. The Grand Canyon is a natural wonder that will leave you speechless.

202. Standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon is a feeling like no other.

203. The Grand Canyon is a destination that should be on everyone’s bucket list.

204. The Grand Canyon is a stunning example of the beauty and diversity of our planet.

205. The Grand Canyon is a breathtaking display of geologic history.

206. The Grand Canyon is a natural wonder that will fill your soul with curiosity and joy.

207. The Grand Canyon is a treasure of the American Southwest that must be experienced to be believed.

208. The Grand Canyon is a wonder of the world that will leave you humbled and inspired.

209. Nothing will ever go above the beauty of the Grand Canyon

210. The Grand Canyon is a breathtaking reminder of the power and majesty of the natural world.

view of the grand canyon at sunrise

211. The Grand Canyon is a reminder that there is beauty all around us if only we take the time to look.

Grand Canyon hiking captions

Discover your passion for hiking with these Grand Canyon Instagram captions and quotes.

212. The Grand Canyon hiking trails are a journey that will leave you forever changed.

213. Hiking the Grand Canyon is a test of both physical and mental strength.

214. Hiking the Grand Canyon is a chance to explore one of the most iconic landmarks in the world.

215. The views from the Grand Canyon hiking trails are absolutely breathtaking.

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216. Hiking through the Grand Canyon is a chance to connect with nature and disconnect from the world.

217. Hiking through the Grand Canyon is a journey of a lifetime.

218. The Grand Canyon hiking trails offer a unique perspective on this incredible natural wonder.

219. Hiking the Grand Canyon is an opportunity to challenge yourself and discover your own inner strength.

220. Hiking the Grand Canyon is a humbling and awe-inspiring experience.

panoramic view of the Grand Canyon and orange colours

221. The Grand Canyon hiking trails are a true test of perseverance and determination.

222. Hiking through the Grand Canyon is a chance to push your limits and discover what you’re truly capable of.

223. Exploring the depths of the Grand Canyon on foot is an adventure like no other.

224. Hiking the Grand Canyon is a chance to create memories that will last a lifetime.

225. The Grand Canyon hiking trails offer a sense of accomplishment that can’t be found anywhere else.

226. If you think you don’t like hiking, try it at the Grand Canyon. At least you’ll be out of breath in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

227. Hiking through the Grand Canyon is a chance to immerse yourself in nature and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

228. The Grand Canyon hiking trails are a reminder that there’s always more to discover and explore in this world.

229. The Grand Canyon offers some of the most challenging and rewarding hiking trails in the world.

view of the Grand Canyon with a tree

230. Hiking the Grand Canyon is a chance to experience the beauty and majesty of this incredible natural wonder up close and personal.

231. The sky is a meadow of wild stars and flowers.

More Instagram caption ideas

If you’re looking for Instagram captions and quotes about places around the US, you’ll love these posts. Click on one of the buttons below to read our other quote guides.

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Niklas Forstreuter

Niklas is a travel writer, business executive and travel planning expert. He has been travelling the world for the past eight years, living in places like Spain, France, Portugal, and Mexico. He is passionate about providing helpful and accurate information and assists over 200,000 people with planning the trip of their dreams every month. 

Nick is originally from Germany but now visits at least five new countries every year, sharing his travel advice for Europe, the Americas and much more.

Welcome to Guide your Travel!

Hi! I’m Victoria, a travel blogger from Germany and the author of Guide your Travel. I write about my favourite destinations in Europe, South East Asia and digital nomad life in Bali.

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Hi, I'm Victoria

Welcome to Guide your Travel – a blog about South East Asia and how to travel on a budget.

I’m a blogger, writer and photographer and love to introduce my favourite destinations to others and encourage them to see the world.

I’m originally from Germany but spent four years living in the UK, quite a bit of time in Spain and Malaysia, and am now travelling full time with a home base in Bali, Indonesia.


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