Whether you’re looking for inspiration, or some fun new Instagram caption ideas, these quotes and sayings about Indonesia will not only make you excited to visit this beautiful country, but also provide a new perspective on the unique culture.
Did you know that Barack Obama spent four years living in Jakarta when he was aged 6 to 10? And that there is a saying in Indonesia that “behind every rock there is a prawn”? These are just some examples of topics this article covers. Let’s dive right into the best quotes, sayings and Instagram captions about Indonesia.
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Best Indonesia quotes
Most quotes about Indonesia have some sort of political background, and quite a few come from Barack Obama, who spent four years of his childhood in Jakarta. Here are some of the best ones.
1. “If you asked me – or any of my schoolmates who knew me back then – I don’t think any of us could have anticipated that one day I would come back to Jakarta as the President of the United States. And few could have anticipated the remarkable story of Indonesia over these last four decades.” – Barack Obama
2. “Indonesia has vast region with so many islands, comprises so many ethnics, tongues and cultures that make it so hard to be recognized as a single nation.” – Toba Beta
3. “Because Indonesia is made up of thousands of islands, hundreds of languages and people from scores of regions and ethnic groups, my time here helped me appreciate the humanity of all people.” – Barack Obama
4. “Think Indonesia and tourism, and the first thing that comes to mind is probably Bali. Think golf holiday, and most people would dream of Scotland or Ireland. But Indonesia harbors one of the best-kept secrets in the world of travel: it is a golfer’s paradise.” – Raymond Bonner
5. “Which other people in this world stop up holes in their sidewalks with cassava, brothers, and sisters? Only Indonesia itself, on account of the abundance of its food.” – Sukarno
6. “As an Indian, you feel easily connected with certain histories in places like Indonesia, where one sees, because of the presence of the Hindu-Buddhist past, Hindus still living there or Muslims performing rituals that are instantly familiar.” – Pankaj Mishra

7. “It had taken me less than six months to learn Indonesia’s language, its customs, and its legends. I had survived chickenpox, measles, and the sting of my teachers’ bamboo switches. The children of farmers, servants, and low-level bureaucrats had become my best friends, and together we ran the streets morning and night, hustling odd jobs, catching crickets, battling swift kites with razor-sharp lines – the loser watched his kite soar off with the wind, and knew that somewhere other children had formed along the wobbly train, their heads towards the sky, waiting for their prize to land.” – Barack Obama
8. “It is interesting to note that an overwhelming majority of citizens in the world’s three largest democracies have different religions: India (81% Hindu), the United States (76% Christian), and Indonesia (87% Muslim). Two of them have elected women as leaders of their government.” – Jimmy Carter
9. “There is at least one advantage to being an Indonesian citizen: With this country’s expanse of land and even greater expanse of sea, it’s not difficult finding space for one’s grave.” – Pramoedya Ananta Toer
10. “This country, the Republic of Indonesia, does not belong to any group, nor to any religion, nor to any ethnic group, nor to any group with customs and traditions, but the property of all of us from Sabang to Merauke.” – Sukarno

Indonesia Instagram captions
Here is some inspiration for your next Instagram captions about Indonesia.
11. “Trying to pronounce Indonesian words like a pro and failing miserably!”
12. “When in Indonesia, my sense of direction magically disappears”
13. “I came to Indonesia for the beaches, but I stay for the food!”
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14. “Getting my daily dose of vitamin ‘SEA’ in Indonesia”
15. “Indonesia: where the traffic jams make roller coasters seem like a breeze”
16. “Indonesia may have thousands of islands, but this one is my favourite”
17. “Indonesia: where the sunburns are as hot as the sambal!”
18. “Attempting to capture the beauty of Indonesia in photos, but it doesn’t do it justice”

19. “Getting lost in translation in Indonesia”
20. “Indonesia: where ‘shorts and flip-flops’ is the official dress code”
21. “Trying to keep my cool while encountering unexpected wildlife in Indonesia”
22. “Indonesia: where the weather forecast is ‘hot, hotter, and hottest!'”
23. “Sampling all the delicious street food in Indonesia and realizing I need a bigger stomach”
24. “Indonesia: where the adventure begins as soon as you step out of your comfort zone”

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Indonesia travel quotes
Here are the best travel quotes about Indonesia, which are perfect for social media captions or some inspiration to visit this beautiful country.
25. “I’ve lived in Jakarta and have seen a lot more by living here, and I understand that there’s so much more to Indonesia than just Bali and Jakarta.” – Tony Fernandes
26. “Indonesia is a tapestry of breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cultures, and unforgettable adventures.” – Unknown
27. “The beauty of Indonesia lies not only in its stunning beaches but also in its rich heritage and warm-hearted people.” – Unknown
28. “Indonesia is a symphony of colours, where every island has its own melody waiting to be discovered.” – Unknown
29. “Exploring Indonesia is like stepping into a living postcard, where paradise becomes a reality.” – Unknown

30. “Indonesia is an invitation to embrace the unknown, to wander off the beaten path, and to find yourself in the process.” – Unknown
31. “Indonesia is a playground for adventurers, where you can hike, dive, surf, and explore to your heart’s content.” – Unknown
32. “Indonesia beckons with its vibrant markets, aromatic cuisine, and a kaleidoscope of cultural experiences.” – Unknown
33. “Indonesia invites you to surrender to its beauty, to immerse yourself in its spirit, and to leave a piece of your heart behind.” – Unknown
34. “Exploring Indonesia is like embarking on a voyage of endless possibilities, where each destination holds its own unique charm.” – Unknown

The Best Way To Experience Indonesia
Group tours are an incredibly underrated way to travel and you’ll get to experience Indonesia with new friends without any of the stress of planning. Check out my all-time favourite below.
Indonesia quotes about culture and history
Indonesia’s culture is vibrant and diverse. Here are some quotes about the culture and history of the country.
35. “Indonesia’s diversity is formidable: some thirteen and a half thousand islands, two hundred and fifty million people, around three hundred and sixty ethnic groups, and more than seven hundred languages.” – Pankaj Mishra
36. “I want to explore the art of pleasure in Italy, the art of devotion in India and, in Indonesia, the art of balancing the two. It was only later, after admitting this dream, that I noticed the happy coincidence that all these countries begin with the letter I. A fairly auspicious sign, it seemed, on a voyage of self-discovery.” – Elizabeth Gilbert
37. “I lived in Indonesia for four years and I understand trance and magic and where it comes from.” – Julie Taymor
38. “Indonesia isn’t for the up tight. It’s country which can be exacerbating, shocking, but never dull, while the paradoxes are so bewildering that the logical mind boggles.” – Christopher Lucas
39. “Indonesia is a visual adventure. It has such a rich cultural heritage and natural beauty that it’s hard not to be inspired.” – Michael Kenna
40. “Indonesia is a mosaic of diversity, a country with so much to offer, from its stunning landscapes to its warm and welcoming people.” – Unknown
41. “Indonesia is a nation where a smile is the universal language, and kindness is a way of life.” – Unknown
42. “Indonesia is like a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. Its beauty and charm are unmatched.” – Unknown
43. “Indonesia is not just a destination; it’s an experience that will leave a lasting impression on your heart and soul.” – Unknown
44. “Indonesia is a land of smiles, where the sunsets paint the sky in breathtaking hues and the waves whisper secrets of the sea.” – Unknown

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Funny Indonesia quotes
See Indonesia from a humorous perspective with these funny quotes. You might also like these hilarious travel jokes.
45. “I did write some code in Java once, but that was the island in Indonesia.” – Richard Stallman
46. “Indonesia’s mosquitoes are so friendly, they treat you like a long-lost blood relative.” – Unknown
47. “In Indonesia, we don’t say ‘I love you to the moon and back,’ we say ‘I love you to Bali and back.’ It’s closer and cheaper!” – Unknown
48. “When you visit Indonesia, be prepared to gain weight. Our food is so delicious that even the scales can’t resist.” – Unknown
49. “In Indonesia, we don’t need an alarm clock. The sound of roosters and traffic will wake you up at 5 AM.” – Unknown
50. “You know you’re in Indonesia when you see more motorcycles than people on the streets.” – Unknown
51. “In Indonesia, we don’t just eat rice; we have a special bond with it. It’s like our soulmate, always by our side.” – Unknown
52. “In Indonesia, our version of multitasking is eating, taking selfies, and riding a motorbike at the same time.” – Unknown
53. “If you think you’ve tried spicy food, come to Indonesia. Our definition of spicy will make you question your taste buds.” – Unknown
54. “Once you see the drivers in Indonesia you understand why religion plays such a part in their lives.” – Erma Bombeck

Indonesia puns
Here are some of our favourite Indonesia puns.
55. “I’m ‘Java’-st as excited as a cup of Indonesian coffee.”
56. “Indonesia has ‘Sumatra’ things to offer!”
57. “I’m ‘Borneo’ to be wild in Indonesia!”
58. “I’m ‘Flores’ing with happiness in Indonesia.”
59. “I’m ‘Lombok’-ing for a great time in Indonesia.”
60. “Why did the musician visit Indonesia? Because they wanted to ‘gamelan’ some inspiration!”
61. “Don’t ‘Jakarta’-round, let’s explore Indonesia!”

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Indonesian expressions and sayings
Indonesia has plenty of expressions and sayings that capture the country’s wisdom and diversity.
62. “Ada udang di balik batu.” (There is a prawn hiding behind the rock.)
63. “Air tenang menghanyutkan.” (Don’t think there are no crocodiles because the water runs calm.)
64. “Anjing menggonggong, kafilah berlalu.” (The dog barks but the caravan goes on.)
65. “Bagai pinang dibelah dua.” (Like a betel nut split in half.)
66. “Bagai pungguk merindukan bulan.” (Like an owl yearning for the moon.)
67. “Besar pasak daripada tiang.” (The peg is bigger than the pole.)
68. “Bertepuk sebelah tangan.” (To clap with only one hand.)
69. “Dikasih/diberi hati, minta jantung.” (You give them the liver, but they still ask for the heart.)

70. “Karena nila setitik, rusak susu sebelanga.” (With only a drop of indigo, the whole pot of milk is ruined.)
71. “Lebih baik satu burung di tangan daripada sepuluh burung di pohon.” (Better one bird in hand than ten birds on a tree.)
72. “Mulutmu harimaumu.” (Your mouth is your tiger.)
73. “Nasi sudah menjadi bubur.” (The rice has become porridge.)
74. “Otak di dengkul.” (Brain on the knees.)
75. “Sekali merengkuh dayung, dua tiga pulau terlampaui.” (One stroke at the paddle, two and three islands have passed.)
76. “Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh juga.” (No matter how high a squirrel jumps, it will eventually fall.)
77. “Seperti/bagai telur di ujung tanduk.” (Like an egg on the tip of a horn.)
78.”Sudah jatuh tertimpa tangga.” (To fall and be struck by a ladder.)
79. “Tak ada gading yang tak retak.” (Every ivory has its cracks.)
80. “Tak ada rotan akar pun jadi.” (If there is no cane, use the root instead.)
81. “Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya.” (The empty can sounds the loudest.)
82. “A bad workman blames his tools.“
83. “Like a peanut who forgets its shell.“
84. “The mills of God grind slowly but surely.“
85. “Ada asap ada api.” (If there is smoke, there must be fire.)

The Best Way To Experience Indonesia
Group tours are an incredibly underrated way to travel and you’ll get to experience Indonesia with new friends without any of the stress of planning. Check out my all-time favourite below.
Quotes in Indonesian
Here are our favourite quotes in Indonesian.
86. “Kelemahan terbesarmu adalah ketika kamu menyerah dan kehebatan terbesarmu adalah ketika kamu mencoba sekali lagi.” (Your biggest weakness is when you give up and your greatest power is when you try one more time)
87. “Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana.” (I want to love you simply.)
Here are the best romantic travel captions for your next Instagram post.
88. “Masa lalu saya adalah milik saya. Masa lalu kamu adalah milik kamu. Tapi, masa depan adalah milik kita.” (My past belongs to me. Your past belongs to you. But the future belongs to us.)
89. “Makanan untuk tubuh tidak cukup. Harus ada makanan untuk jiwa.” (Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul.)
90. “Keberhasilan bukanlah milik orang yang pintar. Keberhasilan adalah kepunyaan mereka yang senantiasa berusaha.” (Success does not exclusively belong to individuals with education; it belongs to those who persistently strive.)
91. “Jangan pernah melupakan orang-orang yang sudah membantu saat kita sedang mengalami masalah yang besar. Mereka itu ialah keluarga.” (Always remember those who supported us during challenging times; they are our true family.)
92. “Tertawa itu paling riang di tempat makanan tersedia.” (Laughter is brightest in the place where the food is.)
93. “Waktu dan kesehatan adalah dua aset berharga yang tidak dikenali dan hargai sampai keduanya hilang.” (Time and good health are two precious treasures that often go unappreciated until they are lost.)

Quotes about Bali
Bali is the most popular hotspot among tourists in Indonesia, and there are plenty of beautiful quotes about the Island of the Gods. Whether you need ideas for an Instagram caption or just want to find some inspiration for your next trip, we’ve got the best quotes about Bali.
More Instagram caption ideas
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Before you go…
With so many quotes about Indonesia to choose from, you’re guaranteed to find one that you like. You might also enjoy our destination guides to places like Yogyakarta, Kuta in Lombok, Nusa Penida, Komodo National Park, and Central Sulawesi.
Don’t forget to check out our articles about Borobudur Temple, the famous Chicken Church, Bali’s abandoned theme park, and Indonesia’s most dangerous beach.
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